Twice a week, I get up at 5:30 a.m. to join the 6AMer’s, a motivational group, with Compass. It’s always hard to roll out of bed at the crack of dawn, however, once I am up I love the stillness of the morning. I have joined the 6 AMe’rs for the past two years and have been introduced to some inspiring speakers and a magical book. Last week, we had the pleasure to listening to Paul Merriman, a financial educator and former wealth manager, with the goal to empower “Do-it-yourself investors”.
Recently, Paul and his wife gifted their new granddaughter $10,000 and wrote a letter to her. What a great idea to leave a letter for your future child or grandchild. This precious letter will be a lovely gift for the child to remember Paul and his wife long after they are gone. Here is their letter:
“As we write this letter, we know you only as a tiny baby. Your life and your future seem to be filled with endless opportunities, many of which we cannot even imagine. Even before you were born, we began thinking about the best possible gift we could give you. Our answer: We want to give you a future filled with possibilities that you might not have otherwise. To do that, we have established a pool of money that will someday belong to you, money we hope will enhance the later years of your life. If your adult working years are anything like ours, you won’t have time to do everything you would like to do. That’s the case for almost everyone”
When the parents feel it is right the time, this letter will be given to the child ….maybe on their 18th birthday or before he/she is off to college or for another significant event in their lives. What a gift to receive knowing how much your grandparents loved you to leave you a financial legacy and a letter to help inspire you to be your best. When times are tough, he/she can to pull out that letter and be reminded of the endless possibilities that are in store for all of us. We just need to believe!!
Paul Merriman’s website is: